Friday, October 14, 2011

[FREE] What to do?

          Now that I am a senior and college is right around the corner I can not lie when I say that I am excited however at the same time scared. If you would have asked with ten years ago what I want to do with my life, what I wanted to be when I grow up I would have given you an answer that was very much specfic, but now that is almost that time you ask me that question and all I can say is "I have no clue." With the economy being as bad as it is it scares me. I do not know what I want to do or what I want to be all I know is I do not want to be broke. It seems as though it is that way for a lot of kids that way. As a kid you niave and truly believe you can be anything, but once you get older and get a taste of what it is really like out in the world, reality slaps you in the face and you can not help but take a step back. You tend to doubt yourself, you wanted to be a doctor but you realized that you just might not have the money to go to medicial school, and the economy being the way it is, no one's hiring anyway and the whole "American Dream" thing does not exsist it's just another thing the government says to comfort you as they take all your money. Therefore no I do not know what I am going to do exactly with my life when I get out of school but at the same I do know what I do not want to do and with that I am not worried.

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