Friday, October 14, 2011

The Interesting Weather

      What is up with this crazy weather one minute it is storming and the next will be hot. One funny thing is when it rains in the morning then hot and sunny around the afternoon. California is one state where someone can buy a bikini and a rain coat all in the same week. In a way the unconstistant weather is a little interesting. It is nice how in the winter not everyday is dark and gloomy day there are a couple of warm days thrown in there. However at the same time it is on of the most irritating things. Can't people get sick from such a weather change. The body does not have enough time to adjust to the climate difference so quickly. But I would not complain to much. It seems as though people are never happy with the weather. For example if it were to be hot everyday out of the year people would complain on how it is to hot and if it rained and was cold everyday people would complain about that aswell, as in this case people complain that the weather is not consistant.

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