Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[free] What I Realized and What needs to be Done

Lately I have realized that I have learned more from watching television then I have from school. For example i am currently taking a class called psychology, school has been in session for almost two months now and even though the class has gone through the releasement of one teaching and hiring another I can still say that in our time of studying I have learned a lot more about the human brain watching a simple marathon of the show Criminal Minds for a few hours then i have being in psychology for two months. Even though Criminal Minds does not cover the full aspect of psychology I have learned more about the way the human brain works, which is sad. Another issue that I am having with school is the fact that it does not seem as though school does not concentrate on what is truly important meaning schools usually do not focus on what a person is going to need to use in life outside of school for example a person will use basic algebra before they use calculus. In my opinion i think that the system should be set up to were each student will take english and math and all the types of classes such as geometry, chemistry etc. will be electives this way a student is taking classes and learning materials they will actually use and all the other things they learn will their choice.

[free] Stop making test so important

In school test count has a big part of a students grade and personally I find that unreasonable. I do not agree with test counting as such a big part mainly because there is not a true necessary reason why they should be. When a student is graded I think that they should be graded heavily on other things mainly because when it comes to test for the kids who are not great test takers the educational system us basically set up fail. For example when a child is a bad test taker, they come to school they work their butts off doing so many another things they can even gets straight A's on everything in it all in but once a test comes to hand and they fail it, they fail the class and it is basically  a slap in the face to them. Mainly because it is saying you can try as hard as you want on everything, but if cannot do this then all that hard work you did and all that effort you put into it was for nothing. Now there are many alternatives that I child can take when it comes to test, yes they can go to tutoring and yes they can study hard, there is a lot of yes's to a lot of solutions however from my personal experience if test are not for you they are just not for you and it is just that plan and simple. When I was a junior I struggled a lot in  alegrbra 2. With math the test count as 70% of a students grade and even though I always did my work, my homework, turned it all in and took note I ended up having to drop the  completely because no matter what I did I was failing the class because I could not do well on the test and considering that the test are waited so heavily it did not even matter what work I turned in all that matter was the test. Therefore whatever board is if control the the educational system should take that into consideration do to the fact that there are way more children with the same issue. I think that kids should be graded on how much they progressed over the years and they amount of effort they make rather than how well they can memorize information.

Friday, October 14, 2011

[FREE] What to do?

          Now that I am a senior and college is right around the corner I can not lie when I say that I am excited however at the same time scared. If you would have asked with ten years ago what I want to do with my life, what I wanted to be when I grow up I would have given you an answer that was very much specfic, but now that is almost that time you ask me that question and all I can say is "I have no clue." With the economy being as bad as it is it scares me. I do not know what I want to do or what I want to be all I know is I do not want to be broke. It seems as though it is that way for a lot of kids that way. As a kid you niave and truly believe you can be anything, but once you get older and get a taste of what it is really like out in the world, reality slaps you in the face and you can not help but take a step back. You tend to doubt yourself, you wanted to be a doctor but you realized that you just might not have the money to go to medicial school, and the economy being the way it is, no one's hiring anyway and the whole "American Dream" thing does not exsist it's just another thing the government says to comfort you as they take all your money. Therefore no I do not know what I am going to do exactly with my life when I get out of school but at the same I do know what I do not want to do and with that I am not worried.

The Interesting Weather

      What is up with this crazy weather one minute it is storming and the next will be hot. One funny thing is when it rains in the morning then hot and sunny around the afternoon. California is one state where someone can buy a bikini and a rain coat all in the same week. In a way the unconstistant weather is a little interesting. It is nice how in the winter not everyday is dark and gloomy day there are a couple of warm days thrown in there. However at the same time it is on of the most irritating things. Can't people get sick from such a weather change. The body does not have enough time to adjust to the climate difference so quickly. But I would not complain to much. It seems as though people are never happy with the weather. For example if it were to be hot everyday out of the year people would complain on how it is to hot and if it rained and was cold everyday people would complain about that aswell, as in this case people complain that the weather is not consistant.

On-Demand writing

    With the argument stating that it is important for stores to have a good "image" hiring good looking people will attract more costumers. I have to say that I disagree with this argument. In my opinion I do not think it matters to the costumer if the person helping them out is good looking or not. As long as there is great costumers services for all people of all kinds then who your cashier should not matter. I can understand where  stores are coming, hiring people who look as though they would belong in  magazine, does make a the store look more put together. However that is not what matters. For example, if a store has average looking employers with great costumer service and nice clothes at an  affordable price compared to a store selling similar clothing terrible costumer service and clothes that are to pricey, the store that is affordable with great customer service will end up getting work customers on the fact that they covered what is truly important when you walk into a store.
    Another problem is the fact that the store is actually hurting there changes of making any money. Once customers find out hte truth about the stores discrimination problem, the store will end up losing money due to the fact that no one will want to shop at a store that will only hire what they consider to be "beautiful" people. Besides who decides what a beautiful person is. If they decide to hire people who look as though they belong with the people in the magazine, is that beauty?  Each store represents a different look for example are you considered beautiful at Victoria Secret with curves or are you considered beautiful walking into Abercombie& Fitch as bone skinny? If so or if not with everything being such the opposite of one other does beauty even really exist? With this being said it is wrong for a store to discriminate on their customer or their employers.

Friday, September 30, 2011

[Free] Legalize marijuana

         First off I want to say that I think the reason why this is so hard to legalize is for the simple reason, the goverment cannot tax a drug dealer. Now what does it matter if truly any drug is legalized or not, for years people have proven that they are still going to take whatever they want whether it is legal or not. Although I do not agree with hard drugs such as cocine, meth, etc. weed is pretty harmless. I have not once heard of someone dying due to a marijuana overdose. A lot of people say that weed is nothing but a gate way drug and I have to disagree. Doing any drug is ones choice, just because someone decides to smoke weed does not mean that they are definately going to go off and do other drugs. A person has total control over their body and what goes into it, therefore if someone decides that they want to try a stronger drug that is because it is something they decided to do for whatever reason.
         How can someone say that marijuana is terrible when, is it not true that doctors prescribe it to their patients. Why would they give patients such a terrible drug, "for fun?" No it is because oddly enough it actually helps your health. Therefore it should just be legalize, cigarettes are way more deadlier and they are perfectly find to have, which is another argument as to way marijuana should be legalized, it is harmless, just legalize it.

[Free] Why be a Democrat or Republican

            What I do not understand is why being a Democrat or Republican, and supporting a Democrat or Republican is so important to people. In my opinion I think it is a waste of time. Personally I have decided that I am now neither one. Being old enough to now understand what is going on in the country I have realized that lately neither a Republican or Democrat has truly helped our country in anyway. When we started going into a recession, not one person from either party stepped to the plate and said anything until it was to late. Each and every person said everything was ok and that we were going to be just find. Now it is 2011 and our economy is so bad it is almost impossible to find a job. With the odds of actually finding a job it is scary to think that all these kids coming out of college, kids who spent all their time earning their BA, MA, and Doctrine Degrees, they graduate and it almost seems as though what they did was a waste of time because no one is hiring now anyway.
           It seems as though each time we pick a president we are not picking a president that is best for our country, its seems as though we are picking for which ever one told the better lie, I can not really think of something that a president has promised he would do to benefit the country and has actually done it. Which brings me back to asking, what is the real point of choicing either one of the parties when not much will come from it?