Friday, September 30, 2011

[Free] Legalize marijuana

         First off I want to say that I think the reason why this is so hard to legalize is for the simple reason, the goverment cannot tax a drug dealer. Now what does it matter if truly any drug is legalized or not, for years people have proven that they are still going to take whatever they want whether it is legal or not. Although I do not agree with hard drugs such as cocine, meth, etc. weed is pretty harmless. I have not once heard of someone dying due to a marijuana overdose. A lot of people say that weed is nothing but a gate way drug and I have to disagree. Doing any drug is ones choice, just because someone decides to smoke weed does not mean that they are definately going to go off and do other drugs. A person has total control over their body and what goes into it, therefore if someone decides that they want to try a stronger drug that is because it is something they decided to do for whatever reason.
         How can someone say that marijuana is terrible when, is it not true that doctors prescribe it to their patients. Why would they give patients such a terrible drug, "for fun?" No it is because oddly enough it actually helps your health. Therefore it should just be legalize, cigarettes are way more deadlier and they are perfectly find to have, which is another argument as to way marijuana should be legalized, it is harmless, just legalize it.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm I'm gonna have to disagree with taxing drug dealer line. We have two prime examples of the government taxing "drug dealers". Starbucks, and any pharmacy.

    It would be as simple as that. If the gov wanted to, they could easily start selling from a pharmacy or from a lil' weed shop.

    They could tax it if they wanted to, but they dont wanna. I have mixed feelings over legalizing weed~
