Friday, September 30, 2011

[Free] Why be a Democrat or Republican

            What I do not understand is why being a Democrat or Republican, and supporting a Democrat or Republican is so important to people. In my opinion I think it is a waste of time. Personally I have decided that I am now neither one. Being old enough to now understand what is going on in the country I have realized that lately neither a Republican or Democrat has truly helped our country in anyway. When we started going into a recession, not one person from either party stepped to the plate and said anything until it was to late. Each and every person said everything was ok and that we were going to be just find. Now it is 2011 and our economy is so bad it is almost impossible to find a job. With the odds of actually finding a job it is scary to think that all these kids coming out of college, kids who spent all their time earning their BA, MA, and Doctrine Degrees, they graduate and it almost seems as though what they did was a waste of time because no one is hiring now anyway.
           It seems as though each time we pick a president we are not picking a president that is best for our country, its seems as though we are picking for which ever one told the better lie, I can not really think of something that a president has promised he would do to benefit the country and has actually done it. Which brings me back to asking, what is the real point of choicing either one of the parties when not much will come from it?


  1. I'm with you on this one. The two-party thing we've got going on in this country is looking more and more like a dead end.

    I used to be a registered democrat, but I de-registered from the party a while back. Was thinking of joining the green party, but also felt like...why not belong to the party of no party at all? For now at least, I'd rather be independent.

    Psst...teachers aren't supposed to make political statements like this to their students, so don't tell anyone I said this, ok?

    Anyway, I admire the way you see through the red/blue back-&-forth. Way, way too much of our news and our history and our potential paths forward is presented through the "democrat-vs.-republican" prism, and that's just way too simplistic.

  2. The United States is a de facto single-party state. The political party in question is called the Business Party that has two factions. These two factions have set up laws and practices prevent any opposition from legally getting power.
