Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[BC] My dreams and aspirations

            Every since I was can remember I have been extremely fasninated in the the human behavior. I guess most of my fasnination comes from the fact that I was the first born out of all of my siblings, I was the first child, niece, and grandchild. Therefore a part of my life I was surrounded by older people and since I could not relate to them, subconscious I started to observe their behavior and actions. Over time I began looking into personality disorders for fun. Just to see what disorder was what, what causes certain disorders, and what disorders you develope as appose to which ones you are born with that are caused by your genetic background, and each time I became more and more fasinated with the mind behavior of human beings.
           It was not until recently I decided to go into the medical field and become a psychiatrist. The idea came the tragic lost of my grandmother. Being one of the people I was the closes to, when she passed I went through I had an extremely hard time figuring out a way to cope. Considering how I am a person that holds negative emotions in, expressing my true feelings was not something I was every planning on considering. Over time things got even worse and without going into much detail, I went into a real dark place. Years went by before I decided to tell anyone that there was even I a problem and the scary thing was I became so good at hiding it that I could not even tell how bad things really had gotten. Finally my parents decided to take me to go see a psychologist and it was then I had realized that, that career was something I wanted to be apart of, however psychology was not something that was working. Sitting down and talking to someone does not help everyone, most people know what causes them to be upset and happy so talking to someone about does not truly help, just makes things annoying. However most people do want to get to the bottom of the situation and see why they react the way they do and that is were a psychiatrist comes in.
          Being a psychiatrist you actually get to diagnose someone and prescribe them medication. Not only that but you can also talk to them aswell. The reason why I chose being a psychiatrist because I feel as though those are the people that can help the most helpful and be the most productive with their clients. Another reason would be the fact that it seems as though it is a fasinating job that not to many people get bored doing. It is a lot of work to try to become a psychiatrist and some of it seems a bit intimidating, you never know I am young and might change my mind down the road but as of right this moment this professtion that is interesting me.

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