Thursday, September 8, 2011

US probes 'credible 9/11 terror threat'

"We take all threat reporting very seriously," he said. "We continue to ask the public to remain vigilant as we head into the weekend."

I chose this quote because obiviously 9/11 is a very serious issue, however in my case its hard to take it as seriously as I know I should, mainly because it happened when I was so young that I could not make an emotional attachment to it and now that I'm older its still hard. Although I can say that it is an overall sad and scary thing to think about and to be constantly reminded of. For me I hate this time of the year mainly due to the fact this event is on a majority of every channel on T.V. It just seems like for the people who have lost love ones due to 9/11, you do not want to be reminded of the terrible thing that happened and have to constantly relive that every once a year everytime you turn on your T.V. especially when you just want to move on and for other people they might feel a different way. Now even though this threat has not been confirmed its still scary to think that something like this can happen again and it's even sadder to think that after ten years things still have not gotten better and nothing has not truly been resolve and has you question will any of this really ever end.

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