Friday, September 23, 2011

[Free] Things that I have noticed

             I have notice that the show 'Jersey Shore' people send a hour watching truly nothing. Everytime I watch that show I fee las though I am losing more and more brain cells by the minute. And to be honest I do not eve nknow why these people are as famous as they are. Each season the same exact thing happens, Ronny and Sammy fight, Deana acts as though she never stepped foot into a classroom, Mike or as we call him "The Situation" talks about himself, Vinny and Pauly yell all the time and Snooki, well that speaks for its self.
           Another thing that I realized is that America spends a lot of time focusing on celebrities. For example this passed month or so our country is pretty much going down the drain and yet everybody was focusing on the Kim Kardashian wedding, its was front page on almost every magazine and all over the news, now there is even a two part show coming on so people can watch the wedding. Quite frankly it is not even that important, its a little sad not just because that is the "top news" but also because you would  think that the way America took this wedding, they were this big time important people and yet the truth is no one knows quite why they are so famous, now I wonder then why is the wedding as important as people make it seem. However it was a beautiful wedding I just think that America needs to focus on and talk about more important things.


  1. I agree, I find it much more fulfilling to spend my time being involved in the lives of people I care about rather than spending my time pretending I'm involved with people I don't know. I know most people are like, "but it's so funny to see that there are actually people out there that act like this!" trust me, that's not the only reason you watch it. You watch it because it gets you feeling involved.
    But reality TV has always really disinterested me.

  2. Not all of this will make sense, because it's the very end of a show so you won't know who the characters are etc...But I love this speech, and it's all about this messed-up celebrity culture that you're talking about:
