Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BC] UC Berkeley's racist bake sale

            Earlier this week the students at UC Berkeley decided to have a racist bake sale where they sold cupcakes and determined the cost of the cupcakes on the customers race. If the customer was white he or she would have to pay $2.00, Asians paid $1.50, Latino's paid $1.00, African Americans paid $0.75, Native Americans paid $0.25 and if you were a women you were able to get $0.25 off. The bake sale was designed to protest against colleges making it easier for students of certain races get accepted into colleges. When I heard about this story on the news I was shocked and a little pissed but once I actually heard the reason behind  I started to agree with this protest mainly because it makes a lot of sense and brings up  a lot of great points. As an African American senior in high school college is just around the corner I have to say that if colleges are going partially going by a students race, that is unfair, unnecessary, but be honest I do have mixed feeling about it.
           On one side being an African American I think that this is stupid and offensive to people of the black race. Mainly because African Americans are constantly being looked down and with having such a negative light it is hard for us to break apart from all the stereo types and having people just respect us as a normal human being. With colleges accepting a black person just because they are black is giving African Americans a step back from respect but at the same time I feel that it in a way is sort of comforting. Depending on the way you look at it you can say that it is offensive and disrespectful, or you can turn the way and look at it and say that it is sort of helpful. One of the stereo types African Americans have are that they are associated with being "school drop outs" and giving black people a chance get an education from a high quality school is great but then there is the downfall with choosing them because they are black and not because they have the right grades.Personally I think that when people apply for colleges you should not even have to mark your race and that it should be solely based off of what truly matters and that is a students academic achievements, that way a college cannot be sued or looked down on for being discriminative. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why you were feeling so self-conscious about this post. I think it's a pretty clear take on an extremely complex issue. Hope you don't mind too much that I tried to get you some traffic and keep the conversation moving:
