Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] Even more ridiculous opinion

I do find this law to be a little ridiculous but a law is a law and you have to follow it even if it goes against your beliefs.

In response to Cameron P. I say that, it does not make any sense at all, what they are doing is not harmful. Now I can understand if there religion required them to kill someone or something that nature then yes the government should step in an ban that, but if all they do is just dress differently then the other people in the community then what is the real issue. And anyone who truly has a problem with having Muslims dress that way then they obviously have a problem. In Cameron's post he quotes "If your face is covered and you commit a crime no one would be able to identify you even when there are witnesses". Are you saying that whoever dresses this way is going to commit a crime. Yes I will admit people cover there faces and commit crimes but that does not mean that you should ban it if it is a religious, it is not like they are walking up and down the street wearing a ski mask. If this city has a hide crime rate of Muslims who wear veils going around killing and harming other people then maybe yes I would understand, but if not then this law this made completely of peoples ignorance.

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