Thursday, September 8, 2011

US soldier 'mistakenly' killed BBC reporter

"Ahmed Omed's death further highlights the great dangers facing journalists who put their lives on the line to provide vital news from around the world."
This quote struck me the most due to the fact that lately I have been hearing a lot of stories about journalist traveling to other countries it not working out to well for them. To me I do not understand why journalist keep entering war zones or any other bad areas for that matter, I understand that it is the job to get the best stories, however at some point you have to know when to draw the line and decide which is more important, a story or your life? You can not really put to much blame on the solider either, even though it does not seem like the right thing to do and he did not truly think things through at the same time he was only doing what he was trained to do and that was killing any and everything that seems as though it could be a harmful threat which is proven when they wrote,  "Mr Khpulwak was shot by an ISAF member who believed he was an insurgent that posed a threat and was about to detonate a suicide vest improvised explosive device." To me it seems that when a journalist is killed people become angry because they feel as though the death of a journalist was not taken to an extreme as it could have been and putting the blame on whoever murdered them to be the bad guy, but at the same time can you truly get mad at someone who was just doing their job and it unfortunately resulting in an unfortunate outcome.

US soldier 'mistakenly' killed BBC reporter

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