Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[CE] Trio of violent attacks strike Iraq

This is the kind of news that brings people to shame. These people did not deserve what happened to them, they were just sitting down eating breakfast. It is sad to think that people can not even go out to do something as simple and harmless as eat breakfast without worrying about the fact that they could die because someone strapped a bomb to their car. I know that it is not truly possible to have world peace and I am not asking for us to all come together, hold hands, and sing songs however there has to be someone out there who had morals and knows when to say enough is enough. The vilence that is going on today is just pure ridiculous and does not make sense anymore, not saying that it ever did. It just seems as though now its just happening to because. I would sit here and say way they strapped the bomb to the car but to be quite honest I do not even know why. I cannot even sit here and to you why this happen and what caused it. And that to is also the sad part, the fact that these innocent people are dying everyday and no one can really give a good reason as to why that even is, that is if they can even remember. Lucky these people did not die howver they were just injured. But hat still does not leave an excuse. I must say that with the U.S. being in three wars alone I think its going to be a while before people can look back a realize how senseless things are today. I honest believe rthat when our grandchildren and their grandchildren look back on whats happening right now their all one going to have the same thing on going to think how terrible things are. We can not start to better anything if all we do is just repeat history.

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