Friday, September 9, 2011

The many conspiracy theories of 9/11

When it comes down to the conspiracy theories for 9/11 I do not feel as though there is a right and wrong theory. Many people believe either it was controlled in other words "planned" and others believe that we were blind sided, then there are the people who are neutral to the attack in other words saying "you do not truly know the truth." I think that each theory makes a lot of good points in their own ways. This past week I heard quite a few debates talking about how it was planned. In my opinion I think everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, but how can you really be sure what is the truth.  I can say there is something about this unforunate event that took place that just is not sitting quite right with me. I just have a feeling that there might be a little more to the story that is not being told, but at the same time I could be feeling this way mainly because it happened when I was so young that I could not put an emotional attachment to the subject because I could not quite grasp what was fully going on and now to this day since it did happen so long ago that I still can not form an emotional attachment. Therefore I can understand both parts on the agrument, "was the U.S. in on it or were they not". Whether they were or not a terrorist attack is a scary thing to think about and an even scarier thing to witness, so can you truly get mad at the goverment if they are not telling us the complete truth. Basically saying since everyone is taking this so intensly without knowing the true answers, how are we going to take it with honest answers, I guess it is just another case on "can you handle the truth".

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