Thursday, September 22, 2011

[CE] French women fined for breaching veil ban

Al Jazeera's Emma Hayward, reporting from Paris, said the court's decision to fine these women "was no great surprise really because we knew this was always going to be a test case here in France".

    I choice this quote because it pretty much sums up the problem in France. I would like to know why people do not have the freedom of religion there. They are not bothering anyone all they are doing is just expressing what they believe in. As long as no one getting hurt and it is not causing any real problems in the streets, work and anywhere else that is public then it should not be against the law. Telling someone to hide who they are you are basically putting yourself on a higher pedestal and if you are going to do that then you need have a real good reason on what makes you better than the rest. You do hear to much about governments or people in a community cracking down on people who are Christian's or Catholic's its usually Muslims  cultural and I want to  know how come people have people problem excepting something different.
    I think that this law is a waste of the French government's time actually sit down and banned something as harmless has people cherishing their own religion, they should start focusing on real issues.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to your post
